Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Friend Making Monday...Tuesday

Since I have revisited this whole weight loss blogging thing, I have found that many of my fellow bloggers and friends no longer blog.  So much motivation comes from knowing that people are reading about and following my journey.  I found this great way to link up with some new active bloggers.  If it works, welcome!  Leave me a note...and I'll follow you back!  I hope to hear from you lots and lots.

If you are one of my readers that isn't from http://alltheweigh.com/ head on over and link up!

 Tech Questions

1. PC or Mac?  I love my iPod...like really love it.  I have a touch and a nano, but my computers are PCs. 
2. When did you get your first computer? My family got our first computer when I was a freshman in High School...about 1996?  It was such a big deal!!
3. Do you use cable, DSL or something else?  Cable Internet.  My hubby gets the business line from Comcast for work.  It's so fast!
4. When choosing a laptop, do you think it’s more important to choose the fastest one, or the lightest one?  I'm not really a laptop kind-of person.  The laptop we have is more like a really expensive internet browser.  I think though, if I were to buy my own it would be for speed.
5. What kind of cell phone do you own? Do you like it? I have a Droid Incredible 2 and I love it.
6. How do you carry your laptop when you travel? I don't really need a laptop to travel anymore...I just take my phone.
7. How many e-mails do you send on an average day? People still email?  Just kidding.  Maybe one or two.  It really depends on the day.  Most of my emails are replies.
8. Do you ever blog using your iPad or similar tablet? Nope.  Cause I don't have one.
9. What do you use more often – a desktop or a laptop? It's equal.  I use the desktop for blogging, working, and games.  The laptop is more for surfing the net when I am bored.
10. As a blogger, are there other gadgets that you need to get the job done? If so, what are they?  My camera.  Pictures are good.  I should really start posting some.

Now it’s your turn to answer this week’s questions on your blog! Don’t forget to come back and link up in the comments! Happy Monday, friends!

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