Monday, October 15, 2012

6k and FMM- Quick and Random

Saturday morning was my 6k!  I made it to bed on time Friday night and actually slept pretty well.  I woke up 5 minutes before my alarm went off on race day.  Because everything was all ready to go all we had to do was get dressed, feed me, and feed the baby.

I was so excited for this race to start!  My sister-in-law ran it with me and it was her first race.  It was fun to help her out with little tips.
The race started and I started running.  My first (and main) goal was to run the whole thing.  The race was at Thanksgiving Pointe, running through the gardens.  It was beautiful, but hilly.  Not gonna lie, those hills were hard.  Instead of concentrating on the hill in front of me, I looked down, focused on my feet, my breathing, and my music.  Before I knew it, I was at the top.  And I kept running.
My other goal was to finish in under 37 minutes.  I've never done a 6k before, so I didn't have a time to beat.  37 minutes just seemed reasonable enough.  I was running 5ks in 34 minutes and I always run faster for races.
 So, when my iPod told me I was done, the time said 39 minutes.  But I wasn't done.  I still had a ways to go.  Apparently, my iPod has been under-judging the distance on my runs.  When I crossed the finish line, I came in at just under 44 minutes.  And my iPod said I had gone 4 miles.  To be honest, I was pretty disappointed in my time.  But then I looked at my 3.5 mile run last week and realized that I matched that time.  So I did increase my speed.  I also got my Farthest Run, Fastest Mile, and Fastest 1k badge.

Overall, I came in 101st out of 294 women.  I was 39th out of 114 in my age group.  I feel very good about that.  Now I have a time to beat!  
Here's some pictures of the race.
Before the race (It was cold!)

Finish line

Getting closer

Waving at my baby.  When I saw her, I almost started to cry.

Cool Down

Post race.
Next race:  The Night of the Living Dead 5k on Saturday.  I'm going to be a zombie!!
Now on to Friend Makin' Monday
If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here at: so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers, so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic

Quick and Random

1. Choose three songs that would be on the soundtrack of your life. Only 3?  As a musician, music has always been a huge part of my life.  Lullaby (Good Night My Angel), Billy Joel.  Loved it growing up, learned to play it on the piano, and now I sing it to my daughter.  I'm a Believer, Monkeys/Smash Mouth.  Shrek was one of the first movies Russ and I saw together and this song was on the soundtrack.  It song went on our wedding video and it always makes me think of our wedding day.  One of Muse's songs would have to be on there.  They are my most favorite band EVER. 

2. Share the details of one project that you’re currently working on. I am crocheting an afghan for my soon to be here niece.  I'd better get on it though...she's due in a week!!
3. If you could learn to do one thing overnight what would it be? Ballet.  I dream of being a ballerina.

4. If you could be a fictional character which one would you be?  Elizabeth Bennet, Jo March, or Hermione Granger.

5. What’s your favorite thing about the month of October?  Halloween!  One of my favorite things is picking out a costume and creating it.  This year I get to dress up a baby, too!

6. Share one TV show that you’re embarrassed to admit you watch. Pretty Little Liars.  I'm totally hooked.

7. Name one friend that you’re thankful to have in your life today.  Sam has been my best friend for 25 years.  I am so so glad that we are still a huge part of each other's lives.

8. What was the most relaxing part of your weekend?  This weekend?  Relaxing?  ;)  Saturday night, Russ was playing poker with some buddies so after I put K to bed I watched walking dead until 1 am.

9. Do you like to dance?  Yes.  Am I any good?  No.  Maybe in my next life.

10. Share one thing that you’re looking forward to before the end of the year.   I have two.  My 10k in December and K's first Christmas!

Now it’s your turn to answer this week’s questions! Take a moment to answer the questions on your own blog, and don’t forget to come back and link up in the comments!

Friday, October 12, 2012

6k Tomorrow

I bought my running shoes in July. 
I started the C25k program in August.
Tomorrow morning I will be running a 6k race.  My first race since December 2010.
I'm excited!  I am ready.
I'm doing a photo a day contest on Instagram.
Yesterday's theme was Goal.
This is the picture I posted. 
The race starts at 8 and is about an hour drive to get there.
I need to wake up at 6 to get ready.
I plan on eating a good dinner.
I plan on having everything ready to go tonight.
I plan on going to bed early.
I plan on drugging my self with NyQuil.
(I haven't been sleeping well lately.)
I plan on eating a peanut butter and honey sandwich an hour before the race.
I plan on being well hydrated.
I plan on being there early enough to stretch and warm up.
I plan on running the WHOLE thing.
I plan on finishing in under 37 minutes.
Wish Me Luck!!!
Do you have pre-race rituals?

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Well, I Was Way Off!

I got an email from my church on Friday inviting the adult ladies to a pickup volleyball game and a Crossfit class on Tuesday.  I love playing volleyball, but hadn't for a really long time so I thought this would fun.  I also decided to mostly cross train this week because I have a 6k race on Saturday so I thought the Crossfit class might be a good way to do that.

Volleyball was a blast, but I definitely need some practice.  I fell on my bum twice, got hit in the face once, and did something funky to my back when I leaned back too far to hit the ball.  At least my serves were consistently good.

At 7 ladies started showing up for the Crossfit class.  I'd never done it before and didn't know what to expect, but I really thought I would be able to keep up no problem, because hey, I can run 3.5 miles without walking.  I was so so wrong.  That class was hard!!!  Since we were in the gym at the church, we didn't have and equipment so we just used body weight.  I did pretty good with the squats, lunges, anything leg related, but when it came to push ups, planks, and other arm related exercises I came up short.  I could go with the excuse that I have a cyst in my wrist
Cyst - It's that bump at the top.

which makes it hurt to put weight on my hand when it's like this
but I modified it like this
Better, but harder.
and it got rid of the pain and I still sucked.

The whole class I was thinking, 'I should have just done the 3 mile run, it would have been so much easier,' but exercise isn't supposed to be easy.  It's supposed to push you to your limits.  This almost pushed me to mine, but I did it.  And I liked it.  I am sore today in a good way.  I used muscles that needed working.

The class is going to be every Tuesday night, and that is a scheduled run, but I think I am going to try to do both.  I know it will be hard, I know I will be tired from the run, but I also know that a push is good and that this will work my muscles rather than just cardio.

Has anyone ever done a Crossfit class?  What did you think?  Do you have any injuries that make you adjust the way you work out?

Monday, October 8, 2012

Awesome week and FMM

It's been a couple of days since I posted, but wow, I had an amazing week! 

Monday night we decided it was time to Cry It Out with K.  She has always gone to bed on her own so well, but she started waking up hourly and crying until one of us went in and stuck a binky in her mouth.  Then she would want a bottle at 2 and 5 am.  The lack of sleep was really starting to get to both of us.  Monday night was hard.  She cried off and on all night and then for about an hour and a half at 1:30.  I went in every 10 minutes to soothe her and eventually she fell asleep.  She woke up happy, though, and napped well. 

Tuesday night I had a yucky run, probably due to my sleepless night the night before.  When we went to bed we took the advice of a pediatrician and shut her door, our door, and turned the sound off on the monitor.  She woke me up once at about 2, after letting her cry for about 20 minutes I went in to soothe her and she went right to sleep.  I think she did wake up one more time because when we woke up she was sideways, but we slept through it. 

Wednesday night was Bell rehearsal.  I just love it!  It is definitely something I look forward to every week.  I seem to get the giggles often and last time was no exception.  It's about an hour drive to rehearsal each way and then I am there for 2 hours, so I am usually gone for 4 hours.  4 hours of "Me" time.  I listen to audiobooks, eat dinner anywhere I want, and practice beautiful music.  It is a sanity saver.  Wednesday, I left feeling especially good.  I came home and typed this as my Facebook status.
To make things even better, K slept ALL THE WAY through the night!  She was so still that I had to get up and check on her to ease my troubled mind.

Thursday, I hung out with a new friend.  I don't really have any friends (Other than my mom, brother, and sister-in-law) that live in Heber.  We have lots of friends in Salt Lake that we still see, but it is hard to schedule stuff when people live so far away.  Anyway, she moved up here recently so she doesn't have many friends up here either.  I taught piano lessons and then got home to run my 2.5 miles WHILE IT WAS STILL LIGHT OUTSIDE!  I'm usually running in the dark, dark because I procrastinate.  I felt like my run was taking way too long and taking me too far, but I finished.  I realized when I got home that I ran without the sensor in my iPod so it didn't track my run properly. Even though I know it was a good run and I actually got out and exercised, it felt like I wasted a run.  But, I did it, and that's what counts.
K slept through the night again, even though I didn't.  I think my body is so used to waking up at certain times that I wake up automatically now even though I don't need to.  It had better cut that out soon!
Friday I took an easy day and made sure we were all ready for family pictures.  For once, I was all ready when the husband got home from work.  The photographer met us at our house and then we drove up the canyon to one of my favorite spots.  From what she showed me on the screen we got some great shots.  When we were done we drove down to Salt Lake and had a bbq with friends.  There was lots of good food, a fun Pictionary type game with Legos, and a cute baby girl playing with a sweet dog that is as big as a small pony.
Saturday was my "Long Run".  It was my first week of 10k training and I was scheduled to run 3 miles.  I decided to bump up a week and run 3.5 miles because I have a 6k race on Saturday.  I got up, ate a pita with some peanut butter, took an Advil, drank a bottle of water, made sure I had my sensor in my iPod, and drove into Midway.  I picked up my Bountiful Basket and parked my car.  I warmed up and started running.  It was a gorgeous day and a great run.  The air was crisp and cool, the sun was shining, and the leaves were slowly falling off the trees.  I ran under covered bridges, over the Provo river, passed horses and cows.  The beginning of the run started off going down a pretty big hill.  I was worried that I wouldn't be able to run back up it when I came back to it.  I psyched myself up about it almost the whole run.  When I reached the hill at about mile 3, I just kept running.  I made it to the top before I realized I was tired.  It was my longest workout yet this year (Lance Armstrong told me so) and I felt GREAT!  It was the first time I have ever clicked the Unstoppable face on the Rate My Run.
When I got home I showered and headed to the zoo with my hubby, K, and my niece.  It was a little chilly but the animals were active, and the kids had an awesome time. 
Now on to....
Friend Making Monday

If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here at: so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!

Inside Your Home

1. Do you live in an apartment/condo, townhouse or house?  Townhome.

2. What is your home’s coolest feature? I love our master bathroom.  It has a big stand up shower and a bigger soaker tub.  It has a separate "toilet room", a big walk in closet, and a big window for natural light.  My last master bathroom was only called that because it was attached to the master bedroom.

3.  Do you enjoy DIY projects?  If so, what are you working on now?  I love DIY.  I just took down the stupid blinds from our sliding glass door and put up and curtain rod and panels.  I'm also working on crocheting an afghan for my couch.  I'm sure I will finish it someday.

4. When using the dishwasher do you use powder detergent or liquid?  I use the cascade dishwasher packs.  So, powder, I guess.

5. Do you have a TV in your bedroom?  No, we did in our old house, but it was our only TV, so I would end up spending the whole day in bed watching TV.  We also stayed up too late.  It's not a good idea for me.

6.  Is your range gas or electric?  Electric.  I’d love a gas stove, though.

7.  How often do you sweep/mop/vacuum?  Usually right before company would come over, but now that I have a CRAWLER!! I think I will be vacuuming a lot more.

8.  What is your favorite place to shop for home furniture and accents? Pier 1, World Market, Target, TJ Maxx.

9.  Do you decorate for holidays?  I do, I do!!  I so look forward to each new holiday so I can decorate.  

10.  If you could have HGTV come in and redo one room in your home which room would you choose?  I'm not sure.  We're renting right now, so they wouldn't be able to do much.  Maybe the living room, since that is what people see when they come over.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Yucky Run and Guiltless Alfredo Sauce Recipe Link

Last night's run was yucky.  But I did it.  3 miles without walking.  This is the 3rd time I've done that.  My legs hurt, I had a side stitch that would not go away, and I was tired.  I didn't break my record, but I matched it.  That makes me happy. I am also happy that I had no pain in my shins and knees.

I came home, did my stretches, took an 800 mg ibuprofen, and slathered my legs with horse liniment.  (Yes, for horses.  It's like extra extra extra strength Icy Hot.  It's kind of amazing.)  I woke up feeling good.  And not sore. 

As I mentioned on Monday I completed my c25k program.  Oh my goodness, it feels so good to be able to say that!  I haven't been able to get my time under 34 minutes, but that is ok.  Though I would like to speed it up, time is not my concern right now, distance is.

I am registered to run a 6k on Saturday the 13th.  I feel 100% percent ready.  The goal is to run the whole thing and as long as I don't start out too fast (something I tend to do) I know I can do it.  I've never run a 6k before so I don't have a time to beat.  My fastest 5k time was 31 minutes so I am going to try and beat 37 minutes. 

Now for the recipe.  It comes from Our Best Bites.  This is one of my favorite recipe site.  While not everything is healthy...(Old Fashioned Chocolate Cake *drool*) they do really well at posting lots of healthy options. 

This sauce is amazeballs.  You know how when you go to a restaurant and order fettuccini alfredo and you can't finish it because it makes you sick so you take it home and reheat it for lunch the next day and the bottom of the bowl is pretty much a greasy mess?  Yeah, this doesn't do that.  Best part?  1/4 cup of this sauce is 100 calories!!!  100.  I'm going to go ahead and link you over to their site because they post pictures of how to do everything.  But, I've made this many times and it is pretty much no fail.  One thing though, make sure you buy a block of Parmesan cheese and shred it yourself.  If you use pre-shredded cheese, it won't melt and your sauce will be lumpy.


Monday, October 1, 2012

FMM-Uniquely You

If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here at: so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!

 Uniquely You

1) Do you prefer to talk or text? It depends on the situation.  Texting is a great way to get a hold of my husband while he's at work, but there are somethings that need to be said and not texted.  I do tend to text someone if the topic is uncomfortable. 

2) How often do you make your bed? Everyday…I wish.  I only make my bed when I have just washed the sheets (once a week) or company is coming over.  This is something I want to work on.  The new cool thing on Pinterest I just pinned says I have to make my bed every morning.

3) What sounds do you hear right now? A babbling baby playing with her toys and a pug snoring.

4) List three things that you always carry with you.  Phone, wallet, car keys.

5) What are your favorite TV shows? Growing up - Full House. Of all time - Scrubs, Buffy, Big Bang Theory, Firefly.  Currently - Bones, Castle, Modern Family, New Girl, and The New Normal.  I just watched the pilot of The Neighbors (Neighborhood?) and thought it was pretty funny.

6) Is there a hobby that you’d like to devote more time to? If so, what is it? Playing the piano.  My baby grand doesn't fit in our new place so it is sitting at my mom's house.  (Not far, less than a mile away.) It's amazing how fast you lose those skills even in a year when you don't play everyday.

7) What is your favorite drink? I don't know.  I don't really have a go-to drink.  Every once and a while a root beer sounds really good, and on a really hot day by the swimming pool, a Coca Cola Classic can't be beat. (Bad, bad sodas, I know.)

8) Share a couple of cool facts about your family. My dad and uncle are famous if you fly fish.  My dad is good friends with Mark O'Meara.  (Pro golfer...won the Masters and the Brittish Open in '98.)

9) List one thing that you will do for yourself today. Decorate my house for Halloween!

10) Share something that you’re thankful for today. My beautiful baby girl!!  I'm thankful for her everyday.

I finished the c25k program on Saturday!!!!!!!  I can't believe that I actually followed through with it.  I can run 3 miles with out stopping to walk.  This week I start my 10k training and I know I can do it.