Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Happy Birthday! (She just might kill me for this!)

As many of you know, my Bestest friend in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD (ok, after my mom) is Sam from Believe in Yourself. Today is the first of many 29th birthdays. ;)

So, Sami, Happy Birthday! Thank you for your friendship, your love, and your support through the years. We've made it through "I'm never talking to you again" fights, "I can never show my face in public" rumors, and even a couple near death experiences. More recently you have encouraged me to be a better, healthier, fitnessier Liana.

I love ya, and hope this makes you cry. ;)

So, here it is! I call it Growing Up With Sami.

Yes, that is my bum. Don't ask.

If you look closely, Sam and I are holding hands. (We were mad at our dates.)


  1. I did not know you were friends!!! I think she's pretty awesome too!! I love the pictures!!!! Hugs!

  2. Awesome Post!

    Happy Birthday Sam!

  3. Yep I think she will cry. Great

  4. Thank you doll!! Yes I cried, and yes your dead!! Hahaha love you!!

  5. HAHAHAHAHA...that was AWESOME! I bet that's how I found her blog was through yours. Or the other way around. I didn't remember you two were besties. Those pictures were awesome.
